Saturday, April 28, 2012

Easter Sunday

Dear Kate and Riley,
Easter Sunday was another fun day. The boys woke up really early to see if the Easter Bunny had come. In fact, Zach snuck downstairs before we even woke up and checked out his loot. He was upstairs telling Brady what the Easter Bunny had brought them when we woke up. I guess I needed to be a little more clear about the rules!

We did baskets and had breakfast and headed off to church. We had such a nice Sacrament meeting with great music. Then after church we all took naps which is always my favorite part of having early church again this year.

We headed over to our friends' house that evening for dinner. It was fun because we decided to forgo tradition and we had a bbq'd tri tip with twice baked potatoes, salad and rolls. I'm not the biggest ham fan so it was nice. Plus the kids all played really nice so we actually got to sit and talk.

We did a fun new thing after dinner which was Easter egg bowling. You take the hard boiled eggs and roll them towards each other on the floor. The one that doesn't crack is the winner. Of the kids Brady won and of the adults Dad won. It was a fun new Easter tradition. We are blessed to have friends since we don't have any family around. I feel lucky that we don't have to be alone on the holidays and that there always seems to be someone to share the day with.

The loot-- sand toys, a game, a book and for Brady, a kitty cat (he's obsessed)

Checking out new hot wheels

wasting no time finding candy-- the Easter bunny was smart and gave each kid only ONE egg with candy

Definitely my favorite picture, "BEWY BEANS!"

Easter Egg Bowling

Friday, April 27, 2012

Easter Saturday

Dear Kate and Riley,

The Saturday before Easter was a fun day. We had an egg hunt with the ward at a local park. I was so happy since last year our ward dropped the ball big time and we did nothing. This year we had a big breakfast and a fun egg hunt (minus the parents who didn't understand that if they brought 12 eggs their kids should only take 12 eggs) luckily Zach didn't care too much that he didn't get his 12 eggs. It was a fun morning.

After that we headed to the cemetery since we knew we wouldn't have time on Sunday. It is hard to keep the boys in line at the cemetery but it was good to talk about resurrection and to have Zach seem to understand more and more every year.

Then, since it was a crazy hot day we headed to the beach with a few other families. The kids had a blast and played so hard. They both cried when it was time to leave even though we had been there for hours.

We had such a fun family day.


Sunday, April 22, 2012

Easter Train

Dear Kate and Riley,
Easter caught me off guard this year. I realized a few days before that we hadn't done much. Plus with Brady sick we hadn't left the house for a week. We decided to head to the Irvine Easter Train (much like Santa Train) with some buddies. Well, it turns out the Friday before Easter is NOT the day to go! It was a madhouse, it took us over a half hour just to find a parking spot. I have never seen so many people there. The kids still had fun but I was stressed because I had to get out of there in time to go to work but the kids weren't about to let me skip any of the fun things we had planned. It still turned out to be a fun day but it was a little crazy.


Saturday, April 21, 2012

Preschool Easter Program

Dear Kate and Riley,

The preschool program was adorable as usual, cute little bunny songs and shockingly, for the first time in his life, Zach let someone paint his face. He's always been super weird about it and freaked out if we even suggested it at a party or carnival or anything. So I was surprised to see his little bunny face pained on.

 I almost missed the program because Brady came down with some strange mystery virus which that morning turned in to a strange rash. I was stuck at the doctor's office with him while they ran tests and had to call Aaron to leave work (no small feat in early April). Luckily he got home and we got out of the doctor's office just in time for me to rush over to the program.

The program was followed by an egg hunt which was the most exciting event of the week and of course a yummy lunch, all the preschool moms do such a cute job on the potlucks.

I can't believe his first year of preschool will be over in just a few months!


Monday, April 16, 2012

More Brady Birthday Pics

Dear Kate and Riley,

In my pregnancy craziness, I forgot I had taken more pictures of Brady's birthday with the real camera! Didn't want to leave those out. Poor guy was feeling so yucky and you can tell in these pictures, I feel bad I didn't even try to comb his hair or put on anything but his sweats but he really spent all day in bed or laying on the couch so it was pointless.

In an attempt to get some fresh air we went outside to open his big present in the afternoon-- a basketball hoop. Both of the boys love playing with the hoops at the kids club at the gym so they were both really excited about this. Brady makes me put a chair out on the back patio so he can have an easier shot.

I love this picture. He was so serious about it but got mad that he couldn't make a shot.

He tired out fast from basketball so we waited until that evening to open the rest of his gifts. Lots of hot wheels, monster trucks, firetrucks and ambulances.

The bonus of having an early February birthday-- I always find great clearance deals. This huge monster truck set and all the accessories for setting up your own monster truck course was on sale for dirt cheap after Christmas. I knew it would be a hit since they had been to Monster Jam so recently.

The loot. Love this face.

My non-cake attempt

No desire to blow out the candle.

A little help from mom and we got it done. This is also reminding me how much I need to get my hair done, look how I have no roots in this picture!

We love our little Brady. And even though we still seem to be on the one week well one week sick cycle, we hope his 3rd birthday will be better!


Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sea World Field Trip

Dear Kate and Riley,
Let's see if I can catch up a little on the past few months. Shortly after Brady's birthday we got to go to Sea World for a preschool field trip. This was the deal of the century. Free parking and $5.75 admission for Zach and I, free for Brady. You can't really beat that. I cancelled my tutoring clients for the day so we could be sure to get our money's worth.

I was feeling pretty sick and really tired at this point so the fact that we had to be in San Diego by 9am was a little tough for me. We had a fun day with perfect weather. I didn't bring my camera, too busy chasing busy boys anyway, but I had my phone to capture a few moments.

Annie and Brady watching the baby beluga (yes we were singing the song)

Even though we didn't make it to the Shamu show, we stopped by to look at them in the tank and one of the trainers came up and had two of the whales come right up by us. She had them do a few tricks and told us about them. It was way cooler than the actual show!

Preschool buddies. Zach did actually have two shoes but his crocs were hurting him so he would take one off during the shows. I'm not sure how to break it to him that I think he's too old to wear crocs any more!

Checking out the tide pools with Ms. Shirley


Sunday, April 01, 2012

Brady's 2nd Birthday (a few months late)

Dear Brady Frank,

Poor younger child. You got the short end of the stick when it comes to blog posts and birthday parties but not with love. You are actually WAY more spoiled than Zach ever was. I've tried to decide why I am such a softie when it comes to you. I think it's because after Zach I've realized how fleeting babyhood is and I just want to hang on to every second of it. You are definitely a mama's boy and I have to say it makes me a little happy. You have had a rough year when it comes to sickness (all those nasty preschool germs your brother is bringing home I think) and when you are sick you want nothing more than to just cuddle on my lap. Aside from the throwing up, it hasn't been half bad.

Brady you bring so much light and joy to this family. You are a little tease, knowing just how to push your brother's buttons. You love to sing, you are a great talker (thanks to your brother), you want to do and say everything your brother does. You love riding your plasma car (your "little bike") and watching Baby Einstein movies (animal movie). You are not a big eater but there are a few things that float your boat-- guacamole (mocamowe), nutella, and broccoli. You can't get enough of those, in fact the other day I had to stop you from taking the Nutella jar with us while running errands.

You are still so skinny, at your 2 year appointment you weighed 24 pounds (just for a reference, Zach weighed 25 pounds at his ONE year appointment). But you are average in height. A few times a day you have to ask me to pull your pants up because they are either sagging so low or have completely fallen down around your knees.

You know that your name is Brady Frank and refer to yourself only as Brady Frank. We never thought your middle name would become such a part of you but now I can't picture it any other way, you are definitely our Brady Frank.

On your 2nd birthday I really did have a fun day planned. We were going to to go a bounce house place with some friends and head out for lunch at In N Out after (at your request). However, you came down with a fever the night before and as hard as I tried in the morning to pretend you were ok, it was clear that you were very sick. You ended up having Roseola which although it doesn't get some kids down, was really hard on your little system. Since we took you to the doctor and you were misdiagnosed as having a sinus infection, I took you out to lunch at In N out on the way home, trying to make it a special day. But you didn't eat anything which is how I could tell you definitely felt sick. We did have some cupcakes the next day but you never did get a fun birthday celebration. Next year, I promise!


In N Out for birthday lunch (happy for a few minutes but ended up on my lap)

Spent most of his birthday like this

Feeling a little better the next day, well enough to try a cupcake

Loves to lick the frosting