Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Dear Kate and Riley,
Sorry mommy has been MIA the past few weeks! I haven't forgotten about you. On the contrary, I think about you EVERY single day. Its just that I have been SO tired and sick and hmmm, what does that sound like? Well I have a feeling YOU two already know but you are getting a brother or sister!

Dad and I are excited and scared at the same time. I got pregnant REALLY fast. I want you to know I wasn't trying to replace you. I knew that a new baby wouldn't make you come back and wouldn't make my heart hurt less for not having you in our lives. But we also knew that a new baby would bring joy into our house again. We were ready for you and we knew that you would want us to have a baby to fill our arms and our hearts since you have to be so far away from us. You will always be our firstborn. You will always be the oldest two in our family and that will never change. I have a feeling that when you got to heaven you were excited for this baby to come down because you knew that he or she would be able to make us happy when you knew we were so sad about losing you.

The new baby is due Oct. 22nd. I hope that the new baby comes early for my birthday! I think it would be a good present. Girls your job is to watch over your mom and this new baby. Keep him safe and make sure we get to take him (or her!) home with us.

Love, Mom

new baby tummy sleeping
13 weeks gestation

new baby profile 13 weeks


Liz Stanley said...

yeeahhh!! congrats

Michelle Taft said...

soooooooooo cute! YEAH!

Mel said...

congrats! i have been following your blog for several months now and even though i don't know you, I am so sincerely happy for you and your husband. wishing you much health and happiness for this pregnancy!

Steph said...

I wanted to say congrats! I have also been following your blog for many months now and have truly been insired by your story, strength, and faith in Heavenly Father's plan. You are a true inspiration to me and so many other woman out there. I am so genuinely happy for you and wish you many happy happy memories with this new child!

AJW5403 said...
