Thursday, February 28, 2008

First Tooth!

Dear Kate and Riley,
I haven't written lately because life has been hectic. Out of nowhere my happy baby started to get really grumpy all the time! He wasn't sleeping well any more and he just seemed sad! I blamed it on his shots at first but then this week I was trying to get something off of his tongue (since he's been sucking on EVERYTHING lately) and when I did I felt something sharp! It was a tooth! All the sudden everything fell into place. I understood why he had been so sad. I thought we were through the worst of it because it had broken through the skin... but I was wrong. The second one seems to be right behind it. Poor kid cried almost ALL night last night. I hate when I can't comfort him, nothing I did would make him stop crying. He must be feeling a little better today because he took a 3 hour nap this afternoon and is in the middle of another big one right now, his naptime has actually passed up his bed time!

Besides teething Zach is doing great. He is mostly happy and fun all the time. At his 4 month appointment he was in the 50th percentile for weight and the 90th percentile for height! He must have gotten some genes from uncle Austin or uncle Bret because dad and I certainly aren't tall at all! Dad is hoping for a basketball player.
Zach still can roll from tummy to back but not back to tummy, we're working on it. He loves so sit in his bumbo chair and help me clean the kitchen or make dinner, it is my favorite thing. He's getting so big and it is just crazy how fast it goes because I feel like he was born yesterday!

Other news lately, dad is working hard during tax season... two jobs. It is hard for everyone but we are grateful that dad works so hard so I can stay home with Zach. Its only until April 15th so I think we'll make it.

I have been running a lot still, I can run more than 7 miles now and I'm pretty proud of myself since I couldn't even run for 10 min straight when we first started all of this. Our half marathon is in May and I really want to work on getting faster.

That's about it for the last month or so. I'm realizing I need to be better about taking pictures!



Barbara said...

Yeay for his first tooth! 7 miles?! Dang Brooke, you rock!

Lisa Webb said...

YAY for teeth! I used to give Landon a ice cube (in one of those food holder things) it helped numbing, there are also the humpries (sorry for the spelling!) tablets that seem to help and are organic. And then Oral Gel but that always pissed landon off cause it tends to numb too much other stuff like his lips and tongue. Hope maybe some of that helps, im sure you get advice from everyone but..... oh well!
we have to go to the park this week. I'll call you!