Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Like Father, Like Son

Dear Kate and Riley,

Sunday Zach got to wear his first tie ever for church. Dad and I found ties on sale for $.99 at an outlet on our drive to Utah a few weeks ago and I have to say they were a great purchase (we have ties to fit him until he's five now!). When I got him dressed in the morning I had to bring him downstairs and sing "I hope they call me on a mission. When I have grown a foot or two (or five!)"
Although I get sad about not having my girls here to dress up pretty and put bows in your hair, I do love dressing Zach up, especially when it makes him look just like daddy!



Zach and daddy, matching for church. You can see Zach's "fang" in this one
his teeth seem to be coming in a little out of order!

So grown up!


Stephanie said...

what a darling picture of him and daddy! So cute!

Lauren said...

he looks SO handsome, and his tie totally matches his shirt!!