Tuesday, August 19, 2008

"Pregnancy Loss"

Dear Kate and Riley,
This is a beautiful post written by the woman who founded and runs the MISS foundation. She talks about the use of language and how it affects people's perception of things. She mentions the term "pregnancy loss" often used to describe a stillbirth, a term that I, too have come to hate. I like how she ends her post...

"In more than 13 years of working with bereaved families, I have never had a parent of a stillborn baby say, "I am so sad that I lost my pregnancy."

That is not, most often, their reality. They say simply, "My baby died, I lost my beloved child." And so it is."

I am so glad that there are people out there working with families and working to change misconceptions.

Love, Mom

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I just saw the title "pregnancy loss" on someone else's blog linking to yours. I do not know you, but I clicked on it, because I just miscarried. Pretty much, it happened today, but I found out monday. I read the beginning of your story and cannot believe it. This was my second pregnancy, my first perfect little girl, being born the same day as your twins (Dec.6th 2006) at LDS hospital in Salt Lake. That same day in different places we experienced the same thing (birth) but completely opposite!(life and death) She is now 20 months old. I was only 11 weeks along this time and completely devastated. I just wanted to let you know I am glad you posted those pictures and your story. It has eased my pain to hear of other women's similar trials. I have been counting my blessings all week that it was early, but at the same time I hope every time you are sad you will know that they are perfect, literally. Because they have bodies now, and thats all they needed and you gave that to them. Anyway, I just felt I needed to comment and tell you thank you for helping me grieve for this.