Monday, April 28, 2008

Beach Pics

Sand on the face (after mom wiped it)

Scary water Dad!

Hair spiked with sunscreen

Cousins in the bath after the beach--Summer, Ali, Zach

Dear Kate and Riley,
Here are more pictures from Jenny's wedding weekend. Dad put Zach's feet in the water at the beach, he wasn't quite sure what to think. Zach also ate a big hand full of sand for the first (but I'm sure not the last) time.


Aunt Jenny's wedding

Dear Kate and Riley,
This weekend Aunt Jenny and Uncle Christian got married! It was a fun and exciting week! Grandma Janice and Grandpa Ross rented a house in Carlsbad so we all got to go stay at the beach for a long weekend. It turned out to be a PERFECT weekend and we got to spend lots of time at the beach. Zach LOVED being the center of attention with his grandparents and aunts and uncles and cousins all to play with.
Jenny's wedding was perfect, I had a coughing attack during the actual wedding so I feel like that's all I will remember (sorry Jenny!) but it didn't last the whole time and it was a really beautiful ceremony preformed by Chris's grandpa. I felt your presence as he talked about those that had gone before Jenny and Chris. I knew you were there with us watching and cheering on Jenny and Chris for making such a good decision to get married in the temple.
The reception was beautiful, overlooking the ocean and everyone had a good time. On Friday Zach got to go in the ocean for the first time, just his feet. He couldn't seem to decide if he liked it or not. He seemed to enjoy the 'hot' (warm) tub at the condo better. I don't blame him, I wouldn't go in that water either!
I took so many pictures so I might have to make more than one post. Here are a few from the reception...

Love, Mom

Friday, April 11, 2008

6 months!

Dear Kate and Riley,
Today is your brother's half birthday! Where did the time go? I feel like I just brought him home from the hospital yesterday and yet somehow half a year has passed. It makes me so happy to see him grow and so sad that it is going by so so fast. He is such a big and happy boy. He learned how to sit up this week and is SO proud of himself, I love the picture of him eating the butterflies because that is exactly what I see most of the day, Zach sitting up with something, anything, shoved in his mouth but he's usually smiling underneath whatever that is. He also started eating cereal and LOVES it! He tries to grab the spoon from me and always wants more than I am giving him at the time.

There is a country song out right now that pretty much sums up how I feel because even after we have a rough day or a rough night, I just know how much I need to cherish every moment with him since it goes by so fast. The chorus says, "You're gonna miss this, you're gonna want this back... you're gonna wish this hadn't gone by so fast. These are some good times, so take a good look around. You may not know it now, but you're gonna miss this." Last night dad and I were talking about aunt Jenny getting married and I said I was kind of jealous because I know we'll never get to go back to that time when you just have so few worries and its just the two of you and you are just so silly in love. I love your dad now more than ever, but it is definitely different. But now I'm rambling.

I miss you girls. Give your brother hugs while he naps today and tell him happy half birthday!



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