Saturday, July 05, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

Dear Kate and Riley,

Happy 4th of July. I love the 4th because I LOVE fireworks and all the fun things that go along with the 4th. Last year we spent the ENTIRE day at the beach but this year we opted to avoid the crowds for the most part.
Thursday night we went pseudo-camping with some friends. I wasn't ready to load up the van with camping stuff when I wasn't even finished UNpacking from Brian Head so instead we drove up to our friends' camp site, hung out, cooked hot dogs and s'mores and when the fire burned down and it was time for bed, we drove home, showered the smoke off ourselves and slept in our own beds! Talk about perfect camping!
Friday we just went to the pool with some friends and went to the local Aliso Viejo fireworks show. Zach wasn't as scared as the last time he saw fireworks but I can't say he necessarily enjoyed them either. Maybe next year.


Zach loved the camp fire, it totally mesmerized him!

Dad got marshmallow all over his face

Zach totally festive for the 4th!


Lauren said...

love the fourth of July outfit! So did you guys ever go to L.A.? I hope those directions were okay. You'll have to come to my Mom's house when I'm there and we can sew some fun stuff. I'll take pictures of Zach too if you'll let me :) Tell Aaron you need to go shopping for a new picture outfit ;) hmmm, I guess I better take Mommy/ son pictures so you are going to need a new outfit also! ;) ;)

Barbara said...

A great weekend! Glad you guys had fun.

Holly said...

I miss being in California for the 4th! It's not celebrated like the 24th for some reason. Great pictures:)

Holly said...

K...that made NO sense...What I meant was for some reason 24th is a bigger deal in Utah than the 4th:o)