I always feel bad when I don't write for a while but nothing much has been going on around here! Zach is getting faster and faster and has apparently decided he is too big for his mom to carry him around any more! The problem is he really isn't THAT fast and he gets distracted very easily so a simple walk to the car would take him 20 min.! Instead I usually let him walk for a minute and then pick him up. He proceeds to kick and scream all the way to the car. Can the terrible two's start at 11 months? Tantrums are getting commonplace around here, they can happen for any reason but mostly getting into the carseat, getting dressed, getting his diaper changed and having anything taken away from him (like knives that he always seems to grab any time the dishwasher is open). I'm not really sure if an 11 month old can be disciplined but it is definitely teaching me patience as I try to keep my cool with all of his screaming. Grandma Janice tried to tell me that he is just like me but I refuse to believe that I was anything but a completely pleasant child!
We have been having a heat wave here and I have to say I'm just kind of ready for fall. We go to the playground at the mall a lot because it is nice and cool but I'm ready to go to the park and do other outdoor adventures without having to get really sweaty! We are planning Zach's birthday party (less than 2 weeks!) and that's about all that is going on around here!