I know all the people in Utah and Wisconsin and other cold places hate it when I say things like Spring is here! because, well let's face it, its pretty much spring here all the time. But I look forward to our California springs when we can get back to the reason we live here, the beach. We've had some good beach days in the past few weeks. I've also discovered how much a very active almost 18 month old deters even the most determined mom from taking pictures. He just moves too fast for me! I find that by the time I even find my camera he's often no where to be found. Just not worth it most days. I'm determined that next week in Palm Springs (we get to tag along with Dad to a work conference). I'll get some good shots.
When I saw your title I immediately thought exactly what you said, "Isn't it always spring there?" Not that I'm jealous or anything. ;) Don't you just love the feeling of it all? Living by the beach would be awesome though. Once again, I'm not jealous or anything. And oh how I know what you mean about it being impossible to take a picture of a child that age. To give you a little hope, Reese is finally looking at the camera again without too much coaxing...still not much smiling though.
ooh i hate you, just kidding i love you but really i wanna live there!
We've actually had a really nice week here...but now it's snowing! What the crap?!? Hopefully we'll be able to enjoy the sun again really soon!
is that what i need to do to double the square footage?? freak, i'll try anything. that's a GREAT shot of him at the beach, that cute little profile!
We had spring once. It lasted for a few days. At least it was while I was babysitting!
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