Dear Kate and Riley,
It really did sort of feel like Halloween lasted a month this year. We had some friends over Friday night to carve pumpkins and make cookies. The problem with pumpkins is that it seems that mom does it all and Zach wouldn't even TOUCH the pumpkin. But he was very proud of it afterward.
Then on Halloween we went to a party with people from Zach's play group and other ward friends and then met up with some of the neighbors for trick-or-treating. It was fun that Zach really understood it this year, could go up to the houses himself and say "trick-treat!" but it was NOT fun that he wanted to eat the candy as SOON as he got it and screamed for treats for like an hour after we got home! Its a good thing he's cute! I'll be hiding all the candy in the house tonight and hoping he forgets about it by morning.
His new thing is to say "cheese!" and tilt his head to the side. Pretty cheesy! Here he is getting ready to cut out cookies
Nate was the only dad brave enough to carve a real pumpkin. Dad and Zach stuck in the potato head pumpkin pieces.
Zach and his pumpkins. The potato head one was the best. I really think we'll do only these from now on, no carving involved!
... and now, I'm ready for Christmas. Is that sad?