He hated the birthday hat, he kept saying "hurt me, hurt me!"
Dear Kate and Riley,
So, this year Zach's birthday is going to have to take up a few posts. This spoiled boy is getting another birthday week, well more like TWO weeks!
The day before the visiting Hansens left we celebrated Zach's birthday a week early. We had one of his favorite meals (Japanese curry over rice) and had a cake and opened some presents. Dad and I were excited to have an excuse to give him his presents early since we had been SO anxious to give them to him ever since we got them the week before.
With Zach being old enough to understand the concept of gifts and to get really excited about getting them, it made this birthday about 1,000 times more fun than last year (when he couldn't have cared less!). Seeing him get so excited about trains and cars is just about the best feeling in the world. I can't wait for Christmas this year!

Summer was ready to party!

So much progress in a year, he blew out his candles (it did take him two tries)

and no frosting mess this year, he ate with a fork! What happened to my baby!?

Megan made me realize I really didn't take many pictures of the adults. Here's one with Grandma Janice (who was flattered at the beach when someone called Grandpa Ross her dad!--not sure how Grandpa Ross felt about that)

Zach's new train set (I scored it on craigslist). He hasn't stopped playing with it since and insists on sleeping with some of the trains every night.

Since we won't be together for Christmas this year, the kids got Halloween pj's instead. Even though they're older, I still can't get them to all look at me!

And sadly, the only one of Grandpa Ross and you can't even see his face. Listening to him read Dr. Seuss sure brought back memories for me!
Here's a video of Zach blowing out his candles, I tried to cut out my horrid singing as much as possible but you might want to turn the volume down...
Here he is opening his trains. I wish the video was better so you could actually see how excited he was, he was shaking when he opened them! So fun!
Thanks Hansen family for really giving the birthday week a jump start!