After Grandma Wiggins birthday party we headed over to the Hansen/Canova's for the start of the Hansen reunion. We have these reunions every other summer and it is really for me the highlight of the summer when we have them. I love that I grew up being close to my cousins and I love that we all still get along so well. I feel like everyone has so much fun and I continue to be surprised that year after year so many of us manage to make it to the reunions. We had a really good turnout this year, I think that minus one family and the two boys on missions every one of the grandkids at least made an appearance! Pretty cool.
We spent the first evening chatting it up while the kids swam. Brady had his second pool day (no pictures I think) and really was into it this time (I am sure the 100+ temps helped make the pool seem more enticing)
The second day was Sunday so after church and naps we all met up at Box Elder Flats in the canyon for dinner, pictures in our too cute matchy shirts and some Minute to Win It FHE activities. It was so much fun! Zach played in the creek and had as much fun as any 2 year old can have and yes, we're still watching for signs of giardia since he wouldn't stop drinking the water!
I'm waiting for Megan to blog so I can steal some of her group pics and our family pics from this day as well. :)
Minute to Win It!
We had so much fun up the canyon, it was a good one Nelsons!