Monday, July 26, 2010

Summer Fun-- in parts

Dear Kate and Riley,
It is totally overwhelming to even think about writing about this vacation so I think I'm going to have to baby step through it.

We left for Utah AGAIN in July for ten days. Our drive out was uneventful. A late night stopover in St. George and we arrived in Salt Lake the next day.

First stop-- uncle Andrew's house. Since the purpose of the trip was the Hansen family reunion we tried to squeeze in a little O'Farrell time when we could. We were able to spend our first afternoon with some O'Farrell cousins and Zach got his first try on the slip-n-slide. Zach kept looking out at the back yard and saying "Look mom! A park!" poor kid, some day maybe we'll have more than just a patio.

Zach took a bit to warm up but then he thought the slip-n-slide was cool. So cool he had a hard time taking turns.

loving his popsicle

the babies! So fun to have them 2 weeks apart.

More to come!

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