Thursday, October 21, 2010

Brady Turned 8 months

Dear Kate and Riley,

In other catch up news, Brady turned 8 months (a while ago).

--He is officially crawling. First army crawl but now the full on speedy crawl all over the house
--Pulling up onto his knees but not to standing, yet (but I think its soon)
--So vocal! I love his jabbering but sometimes it is so loud!
--Happy, happy, happy
--Working hard on those teeth (which is putting sleep back into a not so great place)
--Eating puffs and "num nums" (rice crackers) but gagging on anything else that's not totally pureed, no interest in anything with a little texture to it

Zach loves, loves playing with him and the other day after playing with him for a half hour on the floor he kept hugging him over and over and said to me "I love having a baby brother". And my heart melted! He always says "wait mom, I need to just play with Brady for a couple minutes". And whenever we're in the car without Zach, Brady cries the whole time.

1 comment:

megan said...

LOVE that last picture! he is so stinkin cute :)