Thursday, June 16, 2011

Uncle Bret's Visit

Dear Kate and Riley,
After BYU got out for the summer Uncle Bret had some time to kill. He had about a month until his river guide gig started in Jackson and spending it all in Wisconsin just didn't sound super fun. So he decided to come out here for a little visit. Some day we'll have a spot for him other than the living room floor but we decided that compared to Mexico our accommodations were not too bad!

Bret really got thrown in to things as I had to work quite a bit and as soon as he got here (literally hours from when we picked him up!) he got the job of Uncle Bret-- babysitter. He even changed his very first diaper. He put it on backwards, but we set him straight and we're confident Aunt Jenny will give him plenty more practice in the coming year!

I didn't take many pictures but we did spend a day at the zoo which was fun. Zach loved having Uncle Bret around and I appreciated the extra hands and free babysitting although I'm not sure he'll be rushing back any time soon.

the boys were excited for the zoo

Watching the orangutans

Zach was a little unsure of being that close to the lion, it was pretty cool that he was sleeping so close to the glass!

Brady was in to practicing his "jumping." He never really leaves the ground but it's pretty cute.

unsure of the petting zoo

We hope Uncle Bret will come back soon.


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