Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Preschool Halloween Party

Dear Kate and Riley,
Oh man, here I am, so far behind again. Papa Ross wanted to know if I'd posted pictures from Thanksgiving yet and I said I hadn't even gotten to Halloween! Let's see if I can catch up here a bit.

Zach was SO excited for his preschool Halloween party. He told me, several times, "Mom everybody can't WAIT to see me in my costume!" Yes, I'm sure his classmates were at home dying to know what Zach would show up in. One thing that kid never lacks is self confidence.

The party was adorable, the kids sang some cute songs and wore their costumes and had a little lunch. It was fun to see him interact with his teachers and his buddies in that setting.

Getting ready for the show, I was trying to video tape and take pictures so I'm a little short on pictures


I loved the little table where they ate, I was surprised at how well they all sat in their chairs and actually ate their food, much better than at home!

Best buds, the Big Bad Wolf and Cowboy-- Zach insisted on being a cowboy this year because that's what Will was last year, I wonder if he'll want to be the Big Bad Wolf next year? (I don't think Brady could pull off Little Red Ridinghood as well as Annie though)


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