Sunday, January 15, 2012

Utah Part 1-- Grandma Christmas

Dear Kate and Riley,
Hoping to catch up on all of my Christmas posting before we hit Brady's birthday!

We got in to Utah late on Christmas. The next morning we had a big breakfast and the kids got spoiled again by Grandma Janice and Papa Ross (well, let's be honest, by Grandma).

Cadence got a plasma car like Brady

Uncle Clint got this track to bring a little testosterone into the house (and get ready for baby boy). Our boys loved it.

Summer got more princess dress ups. A girl can never have enough!

Grandma Janice got a little camera

Brady got books and immediately had Papa Ross reading them.

Brady got a bunch of little animals which he loves to line up. They remind me of Uncle Bret because he had all the same animals when he was little!

Zach and Grandma Janice with the Batman submarine

Uncle Bret got ski gear (and scared all the kids)

We missed Aunt Jenny, Claire and Christian!


1 comment:

Marcus Lane said...

your mom looks exactly the same!! so cool!