Thursday, December 06, 2007

Celebrating your birthday

Dear Kate and Riley,

I hope you had a good first birthday in heaven. I was a little nervous for how I would feel today but I would say it has been a pretty good day of remembering for us. Dad stayed home from work which is always nice and we went to the cemetery together. We brought a balloon and some candles and flowers to put at your stone. Dad teased me because I bought such a big balloon and it was a windy day but I wanted only the best for my girls. After the cemetery we just spent the day together as a family, we had to take Zach to the doctor so I decided the donation would have to wait for tomorrow. Well, I was glad that it worked out this way because tonight some of my dear sweet friends, Barbara, Sara and Megan, brought over some more toys to add to the donation as well as a cake to celebrate your angel day. It was SO sweet and it reminded me how blessed we are to have such wonderful friends who have always been there for us in so many ways. I blew out your candles for you and we ate your cake and I like to think that you were there with us. Later when Zachary was awake we looked at the toys they had brought to donate and it made me so happy that there would be even more lives touched because of yours. I will add the toys to the ones we buy and take some pictures before we donate them.

Also, Grandma Janice surprised us and ordered a little bench that we can put in the front patio to always remember you. I think it will be so nice to have to have at the house. We have really been blessed also by our loving family who always remember you and know you are an important part of our lives.

I hope you had a wonderful day today. I miss you and love you SO much.
Megan, Barbara, Kaden and Sara with your cake and presents to donate

Picture of the top of the bench that grandma ordered

Mom and Zach at the cemetery


Holly said...

How lucky you are to have such wonderful and thoughtful friends! That's so sweet that they came with donations and a cake! Your mom is great for thinking of such a lasting gift to remember your little girls! The cemetery is beautiful! Glad you had a memorable day! Lots of love and prayers sent your way from our family! Love you Brooke!

Lisa Webb said...

Alot can happen in a year huh? Keep posting all the fun stuff you guys are doing to. It's so inspiring to see that you can live through a tradegy and it can make you stronger. I think you have come so far and its important to remember that you can still miss the girls and honor there memory in a positive happy way. Donations for there birthday! Thats a awesome idea!
By the way your cookies were so yummy! Thanks for thinking of us. I loved Aaron's carroling!

Katie said...

Hi- My friend Megan Holdsworth passed on your blog to me. I just had a stillborn baby girl named Charlie a little over a week ago. And although I am crying as I read your blog- I cant tell you how much comfort it gives me to know that someone understands my heartache and that you share my beliefs. I'm so glad to know that I will also find peace (and less pain) as time goes by. Thank you for letting me peak into your family. Katie