Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

Dear Kate and Riley,
Happy Easter. I am sure that Easter is a very important holiday in heaven as you remember when Jesus was resurrected and made it possible for us to all live again. I think that Easter has become the most significant holiday to me since losing you because now I feel like I am celebrating the chance I know I'll have to be with you again some day. It is a happy happy day for me. I love hearing about how Jesus lives and how we will all be resurrected one day.

We had a low key Easter here. We got a little basket for you to bring to the cemetery and a little basket for Zach with some toys. Zach got a cute little Easter outfit and I saw a little girl in church today with a dress that would have matched his little outfit and I was sad you weren't here to dress you in cute matching dresses. You would have been so cute in them I'm sure. We went to the cemetery before church and brought your basket with an Easter lily inside. I liked the lily we got because it had three open blooms and I thought it was perfect, one for each of you and one for your brother. Zach tore off a few of the petals before we got there and I thought that was appropriate since if you were here, I'm sure he'd be getting into your stuff and making you mad all the time. That's how little brothers are, after all.

I hope that you rejoiced and sang today. Our choir sang a medley of "I Stand All Amazed" and "I know that My Redeemer Lives" and it was perfect for Easter.
Some of my favorite words---

I know that my Redeemer lives!
What comfort this sweet sentence gives!
He lives, he lives, who once was dead;
He lives, my ever living head!

He lives to silence all my fears;
He lives to wipe away my tears;
He lives to calm my troubled heart;
He lives all blessings to impart.

He lives and grants me daily breath;
He lives, and I shall conquer death;
He lives my mansion to prepare;
He lives to bring me safely there.

Girls, I am so grateful for the day we had to celebrate the beautiful gift of the resurrection. I am so thankful for the gospel in our lives and the fact that I know I will see you again some day. I know He lives! I want you to know how strong my testimony is of that.
I hope you had a wonderful Easter.



Barbara said...

A-DOR-ABLE outfit on Zach. :) What a nice Easter you guys had. I was looking forward to singing one of my favorite songs at church yesterday - I Know That My Redeemer Lives....but we didn't sing it! Who doesn't sing that on Easter?? So thank you for posting about it. It is so nice to be reminded of the beautiful gift of the resurrection. Happy Easter. :)

mikelle said...

Zach looks so cute in his outfit! It looks like you guys had a good Easter. What a wonderful time to remember all the wonderful gifts we have been blessed with.

By the way, I just love your blog and how you've made it for your girls. It's such an awesome way to remember them!

Lisa Webb said...

thats one cute little easter baby!

Anonymous said...

Zach is such a beautiful baby. Looks like a wonderful Easter.

Holly said...

That's so fitting that Zach tore off some of the petals! And...I don't think his little outfit could be any cuter! Love the last picture and the one at the grave site! What a wonderful season and time of year!