Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Your Due Date

Dear Kate and Riley,
A year ago today was your due date. I guess I never placed too much significance on this day since I knew that you would most likely come before it. But in case I forgot (which I did) our good friends at Huggies made sure to send me a big advertisement in the mail today that said "Your baby is one!" I used to cry when we got those huggies things in the mail and get so mad about them. It was strange to think you could be a year old or a little over a year old right now if you had gone to term. I got a little sad today and I felt bad that I didn't remember. I guess there are other dates I associate much more with you now than March 5th.
I hope you are looking down on us and smiling. I am feeling peace about you and finding so much joy in your brother. He looks so much like daddy. I wonder if you would have looked more like me.
I love you my angels.

1 comment:

Barbara said...

Oh no, I forgot too. It is crazy to think they would be one already. I think they are okay with you forgetting the day they were "supposed" to be born since you celebrate their angel day. :)