Wednesday, May 27, 2009

We're Back!

Dear Kate and Riley,
Well we made it home from Italy safe and sound. It was the trip of a lifetime! Dad and I had an AMAZING time. It was so wonderful to be alone with him and to be in such an amazing romantic place. I loved hearing your Dad speak Italian (it all came back to him quickly) and it was good for me to just have to put all my trust in him that we were taking the right trains and going to the right places, and driving up the right one lane gravel roads! But he did a great job and I couldn't have asked for a better trip. And its a good thing too because after the bill comes for this trip I have a feeling we won't be going on another one for a LONG time!

What about Zachary? Oh, don't worry he was FINE. More than fine. In fact I think he was probably sad that we were back and he had to leave his pack of adoring cousins. I'll admit that it made me want to cry a little this morning when he called Aunt Amy mom and not me but we've got that all straightened out now and I'm glad he had a great time and we didn't have to worry about him at all. Aunt Amy and Aunt Stacy were WONDERFUL to take such good care of him for us.

So, with about 500 pictures to go through I think it will take me a while to post about all of this. I think I will have to do several posts so bear with me for a little self indulgence in the coming days. :)


And well, just because it would be lame to make a post with no pictures at all I will post some eating pictures, since there are SO many of those and they probably won't make the cut for the other posts later on...

My first (of many) gelatos. Notice that it is gone (I couldn't wait for Aaron to get out the camera)

Aaron's "wine". It was really just Coca Cola Light (seriously what happened to diet coke? Its NOT the same). I sort of wish I could see how much we spent on coca cola light, those babies were running us like 4 euros a CAN at restaurants (that's more than $5!). By the end of the trip we'd given up on them at restaurants, we just bought them at the grocery store and had them in our hotel room. When you are also paying for your water, we were easily spending $10-15 on drinks at every meal!

Stay tuned for more...


Sara Decker said...

How fun, i can't wait to see all the details. Glad you had fun, and glad you are back. Wanna run Saturday?

Lisa Webb said...

j j j JEALOUS!!!