Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Back to reality

Dear Kate and Riley,
Well the trip was fun but as all good things, it had to come to an end. We have had kind of a killer introduction back to reality though. We brought home a sick little Zachary who promptly gave his sickness to his already tired and jet lagged mom and then we gave it to Dad. Most of our first week back was spent laying around on the couch and packing on the pounds I didn't pack on in Italy (shoot!).

Dad and I had decided before the trip that when we got home it was finally going to be time for Zachary to say goodbye to his beloved "B" (binkie). The problem was that when we got back he seemed more attached than ever before, wanting it ALL the time and freaking out when he couldn't have it. Add to that the fact that he was sick and we decided it wasn't time. Well, this weekend he seemed quite a bit better so we decided to go for it. Dad was really gung ho but I think he forgot that its easy to be gung ho when you are the one who leaves all day! I was so nervous I couldn't sleep the night before. I think that I didn't really intend to do it.

Day 1-- we woke up in the morning and my resolve was already gone. I decided we would go half way, I would make him leave binkie in the bed all day and only use it for naps and bed. This seemed like a good compromise to me. The morning was AWFUL. Really awful, he had tantrum after tantrum. He'd forget about it for 10 min and then stop what he was doing, fling himself to the floor and yell "BINK, BINK, BINK, BIIIIIIIINK!" He cried so hard he threw up-- twice. I thought I was going to lose it. I gave it to him for his nap but made him leave it in his bed after. The evening went much better with fewer tantrums and not as many requests. I had to work that night so Aaron put him down and he actually went down WITHOUT the binkie! He slept all night and even though he woke up pretty early, it wasn't too early to deal with.

Day 2-- Disneyland without binkie. Went great. He only asked for it a few times, mostly in the car. He has started to ask for "nack" (snacks) instead. I'm worried he'll be like the smoker who gains 20 pounds when they quit. Nap was a disaster. It wasn't happening. I gave in and gave him the binkie for the nap. Went down for the night again without it, no problem. Woke up early again but not too early I couldn't deal.

Day 3-- 24 hours without it. I was more determined today. The morning went well. Only asked for it a few times and when I reminded him it went bye-bye he would say "yeah". Nap. I was going to stick to my guns. He screamed for 20 min. Fell asleep. Woke up. Screamed again. I thought I should give in. But now he's sleeping.

Anyway, that is the play by play. I needed this documented for the next time I have to go through it. If this is as bad as it gets, it really wasn't that bad. I think it was the right time for him, he was getting too attached but I knew he was young enough still to let it go.


1 comment:

Hansel said...

you're braver than me. I think Ali will be potty trained and still taking a binki. She's quite a pill about her "mimi". Though we've been doing the binkin in the bed thing for a long time now. She knows she can't have it outside her bed.