Dear Kate and Riley,
Well I only have a week left to even do this in the right month but I did not want the whole month to pass without a Brady update.
At four months Brady is getting bigger every day. At his 4 month appt. he was up to 75th percentile for height and had slimmed right down to the 25th percentile for weight. I still think he has some good rolls even though he's thinned out a little.
Some 4 month milestones:
Can roll from tummy to back but not back to tummy
LOVES his toes
wants to put everything in his mouth, his shirt, his blankie, his hands, my hands, you name it
has no schedule (I can't decide if that is good or bad)
still sleeps really well on the go
is sleeping at least 6 hours straight at night and about half the time up to 7 or 8
likes the bumbo but gets tired of it pretty quickly
LOVES Zachary and spends most of the time in his carseat hunched as far forward as possible trying to look at Zach and listen to him talk
is more and more attached to mom and cries when I leave the room
is finally taking a bottle without too much of a fuss
is overall a really happy and easy baby!
We love our little Brady!
He is sooo stinkin cute. Stella sits as far forward in her carseat trying to get attention too. Where are you going on vacation?
ha! so cute
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