Thursday, June 02, 2011

Easter Sunday

Dear Kate and Riley,
OK, how many posts did it take for us to get to Easter itself? The boys looked adorable and of course I got no cute pictures. The Easter Bunny came and thankfully kept things low key although there was still too much candy consumed.

The Easter Bunny brought airplanes which Zach has been asking for for a long time!

Brady got some airplanes too

A book to practice letters and numbers, great idea for church except that he wrote on his Easter outfit with the marker before church even started

I don't even want to think about how many jelly beans he ate before breakfast!

my favorite pic of Brady

or maybe it's this one

What most of my pics looked like

it was overcast but apparently pretty bright still!

one with dad--still squinting!

and mom got in on the fun


1 comment:

Barbara said...

Definitely stellar Easter vests! :) I haven't been to your house since you got the white toy cabinet for your family room - looks great!