Sunday, December 04, 2011

Thanksgiving in Utah! (Part 1)

Dear Kate and Riley,
It has been a while since we were in Utah for the holidays. So this year we decided to join the entire O'Farrell clan and most of the Hansens and head to Utah for some good times (and good food).

We stayed with Uncle Clint but Mom and Dad got a little alone time while Aunt Amy watched Zach and Brady. We went up to Park City for two nights and had fun just getting a little break from the kids. It was much needed since we haven't had a night alone since Italy and that was almost 3 years ago!

First up was the O'Farrell family Christmas party. Dad made lasagna for everyone (yum!) and we did a cousins gift exchange. We had so much fun, I think Zach and Brady disappeared into the basement as soon as we got there and we barely saw them after that!

Brady is good at giving "lubs"

Zach opened this basketball and then ran around the room cheering "BYU! BYU!" we are surprised Aunt Stacy could bring herself to buy it!

Zach loves hanging out with his older cousins.

Park City
We took the kids out to Grantsville to spend some time at Aunt Amy's. I think both Dad and I were nervous that they would be scared or sad or have a hard time. That was definitely not what happened. They ran upstairs with Decker and could barely break themselves free to say goodbye. Considering the fact that at least once a day now Brady will tell me "Amy House" I think they had a good time.

We didn't really take any pictures except of our impressive room. We got a deal on line at a nice hotel and then there was a coupon for a room upgrade. I couldn't believe when they told us they could put us in a "cottage". It was one of the nicest hotel rooms I'd ever stayed in, complete with 3 fireplaces and our own jacuzzi! We had fun just hanging out in Park City, shopping, eating, movies. It was so nice to reconnect.

The balcony and view from our fancy hotel room

Turkey Trot

Aunt Stacy's neighborhood put on a turkey trot. It was great! A 10k for the grownups, a 5k for some of the older kids and a "kiddie k" for the kids. Zach has been asking for months to do a race so he was SO excited for this race. He talked about it all week, told me he needed to eat healthy for his race and was talking trash to all of the kids about how he was going to beat them!

the littles just hung out and tried to stay warm, it was pretty early

C seriously rocked the kiddie k. Zach was actually really mad that she beat him (she beat him bad!)

Zach was so cute. I ran with him but his racing style needs some work. Basically he would sprint so fast I could barely keep up with him and then burn out and walk/cry then he'd start again. He told me at one point that he had no air. The best part was when he started talking trash to a little girl that he passed and then about 2 min later she passed him back. It was pretty funny to watch. We'll have to work on endurance training I guess. It was so fun to run a race with him and I can't wait until we can do it again.

More to come!


1 comment:

Barbara said...

I love that Zach wanted to run a race, just like his mommy. I hope one day at least one of my kids wants to do that with me too. Way to set a good example of a healthy lifestyle, I think it's awesome! And so nice that you had a getaway with Aaron!!