Sunday, April 01, 2012

Brady's 2nd Birthday (a few months late)

Dear Brady Frank,

Poor younger child. You got the short end of the stick when it comes to blog posts and birthday parties but not with love. You are actually WAY more spoiled than Zach ever was. I've tried to decide why I am such a softie when it comes to you. I think it's because after Zach I've realized how fleeting babyhood is and I just want to hang on to every second of it. You are definitely a mama's boy and I have to say it makes me a little happy. You have had a rough year when it comes to sickness (all those nasty preschool germs your brother is bringing home I think) and when you are sick you want nothing more than to just cuddle on my lap. Aside from the throwing up, it hasn't been half bad.

Brady you bring so much light and joy to this family. You are a little tease, knowing just how to push your brother's buttons. You love to sing, you are a great talker (thanks to your brother), you want to do and say everything your brother does. You love riding your plasma car (your "little bike") and watching Baby Einstein movies (animal movie). You are not a big eater but there are a few things that float your boat-- guacamole (mocamowe), nutella, and broccoli. You can't get enough of those, in fact the other day I had to stop you from taking the Nutella jar with us while running errands.

You are still so skinny, at your 2 year appointment you weighed 24 pounds (just for a reference, Zach weighed 25 pounds at his ONE year appointment). But you are average in height. A few times a day you have to ask me to pull your pants up because they are either sagging so low or have completely fallen down around your knees.

You know that your name is Brady Frank and refer to yourself only as Brady Frank. We never thought your middle name would become such a part of you but now I can't picture it any other way, you are definitely our Brady Frank.

On your 2nd birthday I really did have a fun day planned. We were going to to go a bounce house place with some friends and head out for lunch at In N Out after (at your request). However, you came down with a fever the night before and as hard as I tried in the morning to pretend you were ok, it was clear that you were very sick. You ended up having Roseola which although it doesn't get some kids down, was really hard on your little system. Since we took you to the doctor and you were misdiagnosed as having a sinus infection, I took you out to lunch at In N out on the way home, trying to make it a special day. But you didn't eat anything which is how I could tell you definitely felt sick. We did have some cupcakes the next day but you never did get a fun birthday celebration. Next year, I promise!


In N Out for birthday lunch (happy for a few minutes but ended up on my lap)

Spent most of his birthday like this

Feeling a little better the next day, well enough to try a cupcake

Loves to lick the frosting

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