Thursday, July 14, 2011

Beach Day

We spent one day at the beach on the lake. I liked it because I didn't do much besides sit in my chair and enjoy the amazing views. The "sand" was more like gravel and it did take a toll on our feet. I even took a dip in the frigid lake. It felt good once things warmed up in the afternoon. Our kids were filthy but had such a good time.

Brady really bonded with Grandma Geri. Partly because of her GIANT bag of m&m's but mostly just because she was so cute with him.

Despite the fact that the sand was sort of like gravel over dirt, the kids still had a blast playing in it

The highlight of the day-- water balloon volleyball. There was some craziness and some diving and some people at it. It was fun. So fun we had to repeat it later in the week.

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