Thursday, July 28, 2011

Emerald Falls

On our last day in Tahoe we decided to do some more hiking. We went to Emerald Falls and then on to another lake. This was by far the hardest hike and the first one the boys had a really hard time on. They were super tired and the hike was rough for Zach. At one point Brady was screaming in the backpack and I'm hiking up boulders carrying a crying Zach. It was sort of a mess. But we all survived and it was really pretty. Plus we ate at the Burger Lounge again after which was totally worth the hiking.

The falls

Grandma Geri and Papa Frank

The best part was this bridge that went right over the falls, so cool!

This kid was grumpy at the top. Everyone went in the lake (at least their feet) except him.

This one was SUPER tired. Of course he fell asleep about 2 min before we got back to the car

checking out the falls

The next morning we left Tahoe and were on to San Francisco!

1 comment:

Marcus Lane said...

and you blog too, this is great! first FB then the blogging world. Good to see you on here, we will for sure be following!

here is our blog site: