We spent a lot of time in Utah playing outside. I did start to feel the boys are slightly deprived without a yard or a cul de sac but I decided the beach makes up for it.

Uncle Clint and Bret were playing lacrosse in the street and Zach said "mom, I want to play that net ball game"

Uncle Bret pulled all the kids around the yard on the sled which they thought was great

The kids tried to give Uncle Bret a turn but couldn't get him to budge. It was pretty cute to watch them try though.

leaping off the big rock

Brady wanted in on the action

Brady and Uncle Bret
It snowed more on Sunday morning and since we can't seem to escape 1pm church even when we leave town, Uncle Clint took the kids outside for a fun morning in the snow. Zach was so excited to build a miniature snowman and Brady was just as excited to knock it down.

I know they weren't really talking but I love that it looks like they are in a deep conversation

working on their snow man and snow turtle

Brady was unsure of the snow, he didn't know if he could walk in it

building the mini snow man, notice Zach eating snow again

And that sums up our Utah trip!
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